Frequently asked questions

Here you can check the frequently questions in the anonymous reporting channel of Rigual

Is anonymity guaranteed in the complaint?:

In the reporting process you can decide whether to report your personal data or not. If you choose not to do so, you will need to establish your own monitoring through the reporting channel to see progress and resolution. The channel will offer you a username and password to access the progress of the complaint. The channel is independent of the company and does not record information about the IP from which it connects.

What is the Rigual, S.A. Whistleblowing Channel?:

An instrument implemented by the company that aims to comply with the provisions of Law 2/2023, of February 20, regulating the protection of people who report regulatory infractions and the fight against corruption, based on the principles of ethics and transparency of Rigual, S.A.

  • When will I receive a response to my complaint or query?:

The Ethics Committee will communicate the acceptance of the complaint/query within a maximum period of 7 days. The deadline for resolving queries will be a maximum of 90 days, unless the complexity of the case requires a justified longer period.

  • Who manages complaints?:

The Ethics Committee. The members of the Ethics Committee initiate the corresponding investigations. If it is considered necessary, the research is outsourced. The people involved in the investigation are also subject to the duty of confidentiality and the privacy policy.

  • Who manages the complaints channel?:

The Channel is managed by Regulatory Compliance specialists from Sociedad Rigual, S.A. with access to the Channel, with the collaboration, if necessary, of external experts.

  • Why do I have to report what I know?:

Integrity, responsibility and transparency are fundamental values for Rigual, S.A. We have an obligation to know and understand our Code of Ethics. Likewise, we have the responsibility to report any possible breach of our Code.